Industry Insights
Holdings offers best practices & sound financial practices.
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Managing Debt
Managing debt can be one of the most complicated and difficult part of life that doesn’t get enough attention. Managing debt properly can unlock the ability to obtain capital at necessary and vital parts of your life (buying a home, buying cars, financing education, etc.). However poorly managing debt can lead to restriction of capital…
Optimizing Your Site for Mobile
Most consumers view your site through a smartphone, but there’s an even more important reason to design for mobile first. Back in 2011, when only one in three U.S. consumers owned a smartphone, you could get away with designing your site for desktop first. Now that over 80 percent use a smartphone, anything less than…
LDF Employees Love Where They Work
For some time now, LDF Business Development Corporation and its business units have told the story of why our teammates “Love Where They Work.” We recently asked one of our teammates from LDF Holdings, an online lender with a call center in Lac du Flambeau, and the LDF BDC to share in their own words…