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Tips for Contacting an Online Lead
After investing in a lead, it’s important to do everything you can to contact the consumer. This is one of the most important steps in launching a lead campaign, as the rest of the process depends on you getting a hold of the potential customer. To help, here are some battle-tested tips for contacting an…
LDF Holdings Launches New Business
LDF Holdings Launches Native American Online Lending Consulting Business LDF Holdings is thrilled to announce our new consulting company designed to assist other Native American Indian Tribes enter the online lending business. LDF Holdings Consulting Services will work across Indian Country to help promote economic development and job opportunities. The new consulting business will help diversify our revenue…
LDF Holdings February Update
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues to move toward fair and balanced protection of consumers. This enables the Sovereign Nation business model of LDF Holdings to conduct business in a more predictable manner at the federal level. Some states, however, may move to increase regulations of online lending. State-by-state activity will remain on top of…